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    Douglas B Hoehn

    From the picturesque environs of Wyckoff, New Jersey, emerges the compelling story of Douglas B Hoehn. His trajectory, spanning four enriching decades, is a mosaic of dedication, intellectual pursuits, and profound empathy, leaving indelible imprints on academia, literature, and humanitarian ventures.


    His scholastic odyssey commenced at Dakota Wesleyan University. By 1970, he had donned the mantle of a graduate, but this was only the prologue of his intellectual quest. Propelled by his insatiable curiosity, he ventured to the University of Maryland, securing a Master's in 1972. By 1979, the revered corridors of New York University had borne witness to his ascent to a doctoral distinction. He consumed and disseminated knowledge throughout this period, molding minds and shaping futures.


    He became synonymous with English literature at the Community College of Philadelphia for forty years. His academic brilliance, however, did not remain confined. Institutions of repute, such as Montclair State University and Columbia University, have had the privilege of his intellectual generosity.


    Amongst the pantheon of his academic legacies, "Understanding Communication" emerges as a luminary, illuminating the educational paths of countless learners. Parallelly, his ardor for snowboarding has seen him ascend snowy summits. As a distinguished mentor, he introduced numerous individuals to the exhilarating embrace of the slopes.


    Beyond academia and alpine adventures, his spirit is intertwined with benevolence. His deep-rooted association with the Ramapo Bergen Animal Rescue Association epitomizes his commitment to those often overlooked. Further enriching his tapestry of interests are his engagements in the annals of history, evident in mesmerizing lectures and esteemed associations.


    A poignant chapter in his journey is woven with selfless endeavors at the Ramapo Bergen Animal Rescue Association. His tireless contributions, both in kind and spirit, amplify his ethos of service and compassion.


    With the calm of retirement unfolding, he is channeling his vast reservoir of knowledge into chronicling the evolution of the English language. This endeavor is set to be a magnum opus, reinforcing his stature in scholarly circles.


    In summation, Douglas's saga is an intricate blend of academic milestones, fervent pursuits in snowboarding, historical indulgences, and an undying commitment to benevolence. His life is an edifying beacon, echoing the virtues of passion, dedication, and humanity.


    Douglas Hoehn of Wyckoff, New Jersey, a certified snowboard instructor of the American Association of Snowboard Instructors recently presented a clinic for aspiring snowboard instructors at Lake Placid, New York.


    Hoehn detailed the fundamentals of snowboarding that instructors need to emphasize to students. Those fundamentals include:


    1. Control the relationship of the center of mass to the base of support to direct pressure along the length of the board;


    2. Control the relationship of the center of mass to the base of support of direct pressure across the width of the board;


    3. Regulate the magnitude of pressure created through the board/surface interaction;


    4. Control the board’s tilt through a combination of inclination and angulation;


    5. Control the board’s pivot through flexion/extension and rotation of the body;


    6. Control the twist (torsional flex) of the board through flexion/extension and rotation.


    Over 50 aspiring instructions attended the workshop and most will be taking the weekend certification exam in early January.


    "Douglas B Hoehn of Wyckoff, New Jersey, is participating on a panel at the Revolutionary War annual convention at Williamsburg, Virginia, on March 15 and 16. Hoehn and other authorities will discuss "Was Benedict Arnold More A Hero or Traitor ."The panel will discuss Arnold's contributions to Ticonderoga, Valcor Island, and Saratoga. Also, there are possible reasons why he agreed with the British to surrender West Point and his military services to the Crown after he became a traitor to the American cause. Hoehn said, "Benedict Arnold is one of American history's most conflicted and misunderstood figures." The panel is open to all attendees at the convention and will be available on history channels as well."
